Competitive Cycling for Life ^
VTTA Wessex Group
Membership Secretary’s Report for 2022
Thankfully Covid did not prevent racing from going ahead this year, although regrettably a few members were victims of the virus.
Consequently our membership remained stable at 148 “active” members (146 in 2021). Active means that their membership is valid or paid up.
The breakdown being :-
117 Single - 10 Joint (that’s 5 couples) - 1 DLM - 1LM - 19 HLM
Of the above 22 are Female
It is quite likely that the number of HLM’s is inflated because we have lost touch with some of the “elderly” members who may no longer be alive.
As I reported last year it is very disappointing that 66 ex-members did not renew in 2022. Why do we lose these?
Brian (Sid) Hygate and Norman Harvey were the only “over 80’s” who raced during 2022
Ray Needle (New Forest CC) died in July aged 96. He had been a member for 43 years’’ I was assured that he was in good health and active until his death.
Norman Harvey
Membership Secretary
October 2022