
If you are over 40, ride a bike and want to join the Scotland group, known as "SVTTA" then please click on About and Membership. Scroll down to find the list of our officials and contact details.

The SVTTA awards the trophies and shields below each year.

Trophy Type Award Award Criteria
John M. Thayne Shield BAR 1st on Standard Group member with greatest plus over 25 mile, 50 mile, 100 miles in Open SC/CTT Scotland events
Ken Anderson Trophy BAR under 50 years Group member aged 50 or younger with the greatest plus achieved in Open SC/CTT Scotland time trials
Jackie Connor Trophy BAR most improved Group member with the most improved plus from the previous year
Ben Smith Shield BAR Actual Fastest Group member with the actual fastest mph over 25, 50 and 100 miles in Open SC/CTT Scotland events
Jackie Potter Shield BAR Team on Standard Fastest team on standard, composed of 2 first claim members from the same club
Archie Speed Trophy Three Distance Aggregate Group member with the highest plus over 10, 25 and 50 miles in Open SC/CTT Scotland events
Eddy Taylor Trophy Ladies' Short Distance Competition Group lady member with highest aggregate mph over two 10's and two 25's
Jim Harris Trophy Men's Short Distance Competition Group male member with highest aggregate mph over two 10's and two 25's
John Cramb Trophy 25 Mile Handicap Group member with the lowest handicap net time
Jim and Betty Train Trophy 10 Mile Championship Group member with the greatest plus
The Speed Family Trophy 15 Mile Championship Group member with the greatest plus
Ben Smith Trophy 25 Mile Championship Group member with the greatest plus
Pinky Williams Trophy 30 Mile Championship Group member with the greatest plus
Harry Roberts Trophy 50 Mile Championship Group member with the greatest plus
The Reilly Trophy 100 Mile Championship Group member with the greatest plus
Jim Sharpe Trophy 100 Mile handicap Group member with the lowest handicap net time
John Cusker Trophy 12 Hour Championship Group member with the greatest plus
Bill Lennon Trophy Tour de Trossachs Group member with the greatest plus
Willie Smith Trophy Boomerang 2up TT Group member with the greatest plus
Tom McGinness Trophy Meritorious Award Group member who endured great physical adversity or achieved outstanding performance or rendered outstanding services 
Jim Lyon Trophy 60+ Road Race Championship First Group member aged 60 or over to finish the event
Jackie Connor Trophy SVTTA Road Race Championship First Group member to finish the event

Here are the details about them. The text was received from the late JJ Harris, and most likely produced over the years from his personal knowledge, quotes from friends, and some from obituaries.

Jim and Betty Train trophy - 10 mile time trial championships

Jimmy Train was a lifelong member of the Wallace Hill CC. He was one of the founding fathers of the S.C.U. From 1952 until well into the 80s Jimmy was the national registrar receiving and processing all membership applications and licence requests completely without assistance. If you applied for your race licence one day, it was on your doormat the next. Jim took great pride in stating that no application took more than 48 hours to process, I can vouch for that. He also took an interest in his racing club boys and coached them to success after success. For all his work in cycling Jimmy received the BCF gold badge, and also the SCU gold badge. When Jimmy knew he was dying he remarked to his good friend George Miller “I might not have much money, but I’ve got a lot of friends and that is important” - a fitting epitaph. Betty supported Jimmy in all he did, and their door was always open to any cyclist who cared to visit, and there were hundreds of them.


Speed Family Trophy - 15 Mile time trial championships

The Speed family from Fife [ Fife Century Road Club ] is a well known family name the length and breadth of Scotland. Father Archie’s fame is well documented. Son Alistair followed in his fathers footsteps. Time trialling, Timekeeping and alongside Dad organising. There weren't many cycle events held in Fife that father and son didn't support. Mother Margaret and daughter Mhairi always attended events with Archie and Alistair to give encouragement. Mhairi with husband Brian and son Gavin carry on family tradition. Mhairi now organises and timekeeps events in Fife and elsewhere.


Ben Smith trophy - 25 mile time trial championship Ben Smith shield - actual fastest B.A.R.

Ben Smith was introduced to cycling by his father, they used to cycle everywhere together. He served in the Italian campaign during World War II and resumed cycling activities when demobbed. I first met up with Ben in the early 60s when with John Park and we used to do the miles together. John and myself would side-by-side as Ben was always about 5 miles in front saying we were too slow. Ben first rode veteran events in 1954 as a 42-year-old, every year until 1967 when he was struck from behind by a car while out training for the coming season. With bad head injuries Ben fought hard and won only after a long confinement in hospital. Ben was left with an unsteady walk and he had to use a walking stick to get around but that didn’t deter him as he started to time trial again, and with the help of his club mates who started him on his bike and waited at the turn to get him back on the return leg. Ben in his veteran years held 11 British records, also in 1966 was second in the British BAR and with John Park won the team awards. His name was always at the top when completing an SVTTA events.


Pinky Williams trophy - 30 mile time trial championships

If you have to ask anyone if they knew the Alexander Stratton Williams you would get blank stares, but if you asked for Pinky Williams, all the cycling world would know who you were speaking of. A legend in his lifetime, Pinky’s love of cycling was well known. Starting pre-war with a local Wishaw club Pinky’s second attempt at time trialling brought him a time of 25.26 for 10 miles, being only 11 seconds adrift from the winner Jim Scott, a Scottish champion that season. The war interrupted Pinky’s cycling as he was called up six months prior to hostilities and spent six and a half years in the heat of things. He landed in France in 1940 and then on to Crete, was then posted to North Africa attached to the eighth Army and then sent back to Normandy then onto Berlin. You could say Pinky had himself a war. Back home and with his old club having been disbanded, Pinky joined the Law Wheelers, where he remained a member for life, holding many positions including president. Pinky joined the vets six years after it’s forming and has been instrumental in the group's growth since. He took on the position of secretary and treasurer of the group where he worked hard at getting new members and keeping old ones. He also organised the group dinner and presentation, where it grew to become the biggest dinner/dance in the cycling world with over 300 cyclists and friends attending. Besides doing all the work for the vets and Law Wheelers, Pinkie rode time trials all over Britain and Europe getting awards too numerous to mention.


Harry Roberts trophy - 50 mile time trial championships

Harry was an Englishman who came to live in Ayrshire around 1955. Although a racing man with Chippenham CC. Harry joined the Ayr Road club where he would want to hold various positions, most notably being vice-chairman. Harry also worked in Harry Fairbairns cycle shop in Irvine where he became known as wee Harry, a name given to him by the other Harry to distinguish the two Harrys when working together. Harry rode veteran events from 1961 until his death in 1964. In that year Harry went on holiday to his native Wiltshire with an Ayr club mate, and when on that cycling holiday Harry was killed outright by a car when its front tire blew out the driver lost control


Reilly trophy - 100 mile championship

Joe Riley was, in a manner of speaking, the father of the SVTTA. He was the instigator in forming the Scottish group of the VTTA. In 1951 he invited a group of veteran club members to a meeting in the old clubhouse of central Scotland Wheelers and formed a committee, and in 1952 the Scottish group became official. Joe became the time trial secretary for the group, as well as doing the secretary job. Joe raced in veteran events until 1964. He was a member of the Glasgow Nightingale CC


Jim Sharp trophy - 100 mile handicap

Jim Sharp was an enthusiastic veteran, though not a competing one. He enjoyed the administration side of things. He attended all the events and performed what was asked of him. His speciality was recording and he usually had all the figures calculated and down on paper before the timekeeper had finished. Jim was a touring man rather than a racing one, his club in his younger days was Douglas CC and the CTC. He toured Europe and England as well as his beloved Scotland. He developed heart problems and had to give up the bike although he still went out for short rides but they were very few. Jim for a while was correspondent gathering all the Scottish veteran news and any other news for the Veteran magazine, he was also Chairman / President of the group taking over from Jock Patrick when Jock stood down, this was a proud period in his life. Jim was admitted to hospital on the morning of the vets hundred mile championship with heart failure, he didn’t survive.


John Cusker trophy - 12 Hour Time Trial championship

John was a character, they don't come like him anymore. I will guarantee you that every club cyclist in the west of Scotland over the age of 50 years and possibly below can tell a tale regarding John. My own is when John Came into Tam McGinness shop with his crumpled bike one day. He told us that while cycling down the water works brae at Milngavie, where he stayed, he spied a lady emerging from a car (the type that the door opened forward) showing to much leg. Poor John with his eyes fixed in her direction crashed bending his top and down tubes . John with a glint in his eye said "Chaps it was worth it." John was of the same calibre of John Cramb, a mile eater. The long distance events were John's delight, especially the twelve hours. When you went out on a run with John doing the Cria, Dunoon or round Loch Katrine the day went fast not by speed but by the entertainment you got from John. At John's funeral there wasn't an empty seat in St. Mungo's church.


Eddie Taylor trophy

Ladies Short Distance B.A.R Eddie Taylor was a founder member of the Glasgow Road club when formed in 1927. He was also a member of the CTC which you had to be to join the road club. He started competing in time trials from 1928 until he was injured and physically handicapped doing war work as a “spider monkey”. He had a variety of posts within the road club and was a very effective track official, which became his main interest in the later years. He was a member of the SVTTA from 1952 until his death, he competed in the veteran time trials in 1952 and 1953 season.


John M Thayne Shield - B.A.R CHAMPIONSHIP

John Thayne was a lifelong club cyclist, a member of the Glasgow Wheelers from 1941—2015. John entered national service with the Royal Navy in 1943 aged eighteen years old serving in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and was a member of the services cycling club known as the Jungle Roamers whilst on the island. On returning to civvy street he had a leading role with the Glasgow Wheelers, forming the Scottish section of the new B.L.R.C. and raced under its banner including the famous Brighton to Glasgow six day event. John continued to race until the early sixties when he took over various club duties. He was a member of the Commonwealth Games technical committee for Cycling in 1970 and 1986. He also was involved as time keeper and judge in the Scottish Milk Races. He found time to timekeep events for the West of Scotland Cycling Association; he also served on the committee for the S.V.T.T.A. again performing numerous duties. Whilst carrying duties John found time to return to racing and with his wife Joan both winning numerous veteran championships


Ken Anderson Trophy Under 50 Years B.A.R.

Ken presented the above trophy to the association. It was one of many he had won in his cycling career. I know very little of Ken as he was a bit before my time, he owned a cycle shop in Scotland Street Glasgow next to the Shields road subway and I as a young cyclist used to window shop and look at the racing photographs that adorned his window walls never stepping inside his shop. I believe Ken was a member of the defunct Zenith Wheelers and indulged in bicycle polo alongside the great track man Jameson. I would be grateful if one of our older members would put pen to paper and hand me a small history of Ken.


Archie Speed Trophy Three Distance (10, 25, 50) Championship

Archie joined the Fife century Road Club in 1947, and was a member for the rest of his days. He held a variety of posts within the club and the Fife Cycling Association. He has Organised and rode events from 10 mile to 24 hours over the years. He was involved in the Stage race “The Tour of The Kingdom“ for 24 years and still keeps events in the Fife Area. Archie rode every distance numerous times including the only 24 hour to be held in Scotland. He was a member of the S.V.T.T.A. from 1963, and went on to be President of the Scottish Group until he retired from the post and became an Honorary Life Member of the Association.


Bill Smith Boomerang trophy - Two-up Team Time Trial

Bill was a member of the Douglas C.C who migrated to Australia where he married and settled down. He came back on holiday frequently and rode time trials, and it was on one of those visits he donated the boomerang trophy to the SVTTA. In the early 70s all the names of the vets riding the event were placed in a hat and only when the 2 names were drawn did you know your team, the format has changed over the years. Bill was friendly with Pinky Williams and when Pinky went out to Australia to visit his daughter they used to meet up, and with a bicycle supplied from Bill's many racing machines PInky and Bill put in a few miles. Bill even promoted a time trial in honour of Pinky who didn’t let him down by taking 3rd fastest place. On one such cycle run, Bill let it be known to Pinky that in the event of his death he would like his ashes scattered on Loch Lomond . Unfortunately that day came too soon and with Pinky keeping his promise, received Bill's ashes and organised a service on Loch Lomond side at Balloch Country Park. Ian Walsh came along with his church minister to take the service, with a large group of SVTTA members, a Service was held for Bill and his ashes put to the wind.


Bill Lennon Trophy - Hilly Time Trial

Bill Lennon had the distinction of being the oldest Glasgow Centre novice 25 mile winner. Coming late to time trialling Bill won the novice trophy when he was 37 years old. Bill like, all rest of the club folk then, was a mile eater and a hard one at that, the name half-wheeler rings a bell with me. If Bill met up with you and any conversation took place it was with Bill speaking to you over his left or right shoulder. A window cleaner by trade Bill cycled everywhere in Glasgow during his working day and if you happened to see a bike hanging from scaffolding around some buildings he knew that Bill wasn't far away cleaning windows. Bill left a legacy to the vets, hence the event and trophy to his memory and like John Cusker everyone has a story regarding Bill and meeting him out on the road. He was a hard rider.


Tom McGuinness - Meritorious trophy

Tom was a gentleman very pleasant to all who frequented his cycle shop, but when out riding with him it was a different story, he went out for blood and wasn’t happy till he saw your tongue hanging out, there are still people out there who testified to that. Tom won the very first event that the SVTTA held a 25 at Stirling, his time 1:04.20 at 40 years that gave him a +1:40. In those days Tom was a member of the Douglas CC, moving over to the Glasgow Regent in 1961, Tom had two rivals Jimmy Brinkins and Ben Smith and if he ever beat them he was over the moon, He held 4 British veteran records. Tom never recovered his health after an operation and gave up the shop and retired.


Jackie Connor Trophies: Road Race Championship  and Best Improved in B.A.R

Jackie Connor Snr. was a well known Glasgow businessman and a lifelong member of the St. Christopher C.C. and longtime sponsor to the Glasgow Regent C.C. and many others who benefited from him. The road race cup which he donated to the association went missing a few years back so if anyone can point a finger towards it come forward. Jackie donated another cup and we have put it up for the most improved rider in the B.A.R.


Jim Lyon Memorial Trophy - 60+ Road Race Championship

The above cup was donated to the association by Jim's Wife in memory of him. After a spell away from cycling Jim came back to the sport and joined the vets, right away he was showing a clean pair of heels to the top men. His best year was 1994 when he achieved three firsts in the 10ml. 25ml. 50ml. championships, followed by 2nd and 3rd placings in the 100ml. and B.A.R. In 1995 Jim got 1st and 2nd in the 30ml, 25ml. Also age records 50ml. 30ml. 10ml. If Jim was still with us today there would be no doubt that his cabinet would be overflowing with trophies.


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