To renew your membership:

Individual and Joint Members: login, go to My Profile, scroll and click the blue Renew Membership button; check your details, tick the box if you want to purchase standards and then click the green Submit and Sign Up button which takes you to the pay screen.

Life Members: login, go to My Profile, check your details and update if they have changed. Then go to Membership extras and purchase a Subscription to the Veteran and, optionally, Standards.

Honorary Life Members: login, go to My Profile, check your details and update if they have changed. Then go to Membership extras and purchase Standards if you want them.

The old process was that we would create invlices for you on October 1st. When you login you would see a "Pay Now" link. The new process creates invoices when you try and renew. There is no "Pay Now" link unless an Official has created an invoice for you or other special circumstances. This avoids unpaid invoices accumulating in the system, causing problems such rejoining lapsed members paying the wrong sub.

In a few months time, hopefully before January 1st, you will have an opportunity to set up a direct debit to renew automatically.