Midland Group   





This year we the committee have chosen the following events to contest the Midlands VTTA Trophies.  As we have no open 50 or 25 mile events in the district we have again chosen two opens in our neighbouring districts to contest the 25 and 50 mile trophies.  All the competitions below are based on Age Adjusted Times (AAT) except for the Stoke cup which is based on finishing time.


  1. Wells Cup Men 50 miles – R50/1b VTTA National Championship 13th July 2024
  2. Victory Cup Women 50 miles - R50/1b VTTA National Championship 13th July 2024
  3. Stoke Cup Fastest 50 miles - R50/1b VTTA National Championship 13th July 2024
  4. Birks Cup  10 miles -  K11/10T  11th Aug 2024
  5. Billy Steer Cup men 25 miles – A25/34 VTTA East Mids 17th Aug 2024
  6. Bicknell Cup BOS Women 25 miles - A25/34 VTTA East Mids 17th Aug 2024
  7. Williams Rose Bowl BOS Men - K48/10 VTTA National on 17th Sept 2024
  8. Bart Cup BOS Women 10 miles - K48/10 VTTA National on 17th Sept 2024


Age Awards

The 3 trophies below will be contested on the 22nd June 2024 on the K34/10F.

  1. Massie Plate fastest on AAT over 65
  2. Jones Cup fastest on AAT 50-64
  3. Nomads Cup fastest on AAT under 50


Season Long Trophies – Best All Rounder

1. Cyclo Shield BOS Men/Women any open 25, 50, 100 miles

2. Godiva Cup BOS Men any two open 10 miles plus any two open 25 miles

3. Bayliss Cup BOS Women any two open 10 miles plus any two Open 25 miles

4. Les Lowe Trophy Furthest cumulative distance ridden on Open “K” course events.


We hope you all have a successful 2024 season and are able to join us racing at each of the above events.


Stay fit, Stay safe, Stay Fast


Alastair Semple


VTTA Midland Group.
