Mary Horsnell was one of the most distinguished members of the VTTA. She sadly passed away peacefully on 23rd December in a care home in Dunmow where she had been for several months.


Many members will know Mary. She was a stalwart of the Chelmer CC, the East Anglian VTTA and the now defunct Essex & Suffolk Border Combine. She spent many years on the EA VTTA committee and used to write articles for The Veteran. She had a prolific racing career. A summary of her age records and other records is given below. 


The Funeral of Mary Horsnell will take place at Chelmsford Crematorium on Friday 31st January at 14:30. It was her wish that attendees should not feel compelled to wear dark clothing, so please come along dressed as colourfully as you like. There will be a collection page set up for donations to the Royal British Legion,  continuing Mary’s tradition of collecting for the Poppy Appeal.  Flowers will be from the family only.


Here is a list of the records that Mary accumulated during her distinghuished racing career

24hr National & EAVTTA age record at 52, 394.15 miles done in 1983

100 miles EAVTTA age record at 57, 4:51:21 done in 1988

100 miles EAVTTA age record at 58, 5:02:24 done in 1989

100 miles EAVTTA age record at 63, 5:23:31 done in 1994

12hr EAVTTA age record at 54, 218.06 miles done in 1985

12hr EAVTTA age record at 56, 215.6 miles done in 1987

12hr EAVTTA age record at 57, 215.27 miles done in 1988

12hr EAVTTA age record at 58, 214.49 miles done in 1989

12hr EAVTTA age record at 60, 207.22 miles done in 1991

12hr EAVTTA age record at 64, 201.53 miles done in 1995

12hr EAVTTA age record at 65, 189.93 miles done in 1996

12hr EAVTTA age record at 67, 186.93 miles done in 1998

100 miles EAVTTA age record at 71, 5:54:23 done in 2002

50 miles EAVTTA age record at 74, 2:54:11 done in 2005

50 miles EAVTTA age record at 75, 3:05:29 done in 2006

50 miles EAVTTA age record at 76, 3:15:16 done in 2007


Age records that she has held, but subsequently been beaten:

25 miles National & EAVTTA age record at 40, 1:04:48 done in 1971

50 miles National & EAVTTA age record at 40, 2:18:38 done in 1971

100 miles National & EAVTTA age record at 40, 5:02:13 done in 1971

12hr National & EAVTTA age record at 40, 219.48 miles done in 1971

25 miles National & EAVTTA age record at 41, 1:05:46 done in 1972

50 miles EAVTTA age record at 71, 2:40:41 done in 2002

12hr National & EAVTTA age record at 71, 176.01 miles done in 2002

50 miles EAVTTA age record at 72, 2:46:01 done in 2003

50 miles EAVTTA age record at 73, 2:52:12 done in 2004


Chelmer CC current records (taken from their website):

15 miles bicycle team – S Wright, E Sandland, M Horsnell 2.05.50 – 1992

24 hours bicycle – M Horsnell 394.15 miles – 1983

10 miles 60 to 69 years – M Horsnell 26.11

10 miles 70 to 79 years – M Horsnell 29.11

10 miles 80+ years – M Horsnell 34.43

15 miles 50 to 59 years – M Horsnell 41.22

15 miles 60 to 69 years – M Horsnell 44.57

15 miles 70 to 79 years – M Horsnell 47.57

25 miles 60 to 69 years – M Horsnell 1:08:17

25 miles 70 to 79 years – M Horsnell 1:17:03

30 miles 50 to 59 years – M Horsnell 1:18:56

30 miles 60 to 69 years – M Horsnell 1:27:03

50 miles 50 to 59 years – M Horsnell 2:14:38

50 miles 60 to 69 years – M Horsnell 2:21:32

50 miles 70 to 79 years – M Horsnell 2:40:41

100 miles 50 to 59 years – M Horsnell 4:47:46

100 miles 60 to 69 years – M Horsnell 5:20:31

100 miles 70 to 79 years – M Horsnell 5:54:23

12hrs 60 to 69 years – M Horsnell 207.22 miles

12hrs 70 to 79 years – M Horsnell 176.01 miles

24hrs 50 to 59 years – Mary Horsnell 394.15 miles


Mixed tandem 30 miles – Mary & Peter Horsnell 1:08:04 – 1973
Mixed tandem 50 miles – Mary & Peter Horsnell 2:05:55 – 1977


Place to place records:

CHELMSFORD (Kings Road) to BRAINTREE (Railway Bridge) and return

  • Women’s bicycle – Mary Horsnell 54.57 – 1964

CHELMSFORD (Army and Navy Roundabout) to COLCHESTER (The Albert Roundabout) and return

  • Women’s bicycle – Mary Horsnell 2.08.58 – 1958

Quite a list of records that anyone would be proud of, as you can see, she preferred the longer events ????