How to Link Your CTT and VTTA Accounts - Individual members
If you have any queries with this process please do NOT contact CTT but email
If you have a joint VTTA account please refer to the note here.
- Login to your CTT account.
- On the Dashboard screen, click on the far right tab ‘VTTA’.
- Your date of birth, VTTA membership number and VTTA group needs to be shared to make the link. You also need to agree to the VTTA receiving your results from the CTT site, so assuming you're happy with this go ahead and tick this box.
- Click Submit and you will be shown a CTT Verification Code. Make a note of this and your CTT number which is in the top right of the page. You can now leave the CTT site.
- Log in to your VTTA account. If you haven't already registered on the VTTA site you need to click on Not yet registered? Register here.
- From your VTTA homepage click on your name top right and then My Profile in the dropdown box. You'll see the following text:
- You already noted your CTT Verification Code and CTT number in step 4 above, so you can just click on ‘Link My Account Now'.
- You will see the following text:
I intend to take part in time trials and want the CTT to have accurate information regarding my VTTA membership. I therefore agree for the VTTA to inform the CTT that I am a current member and to provide the CTT with my VTTA number and group. I notify this agreement by entering my CTT ID and the CTT Verification Code in the boxes below.
- Enter the two numbers and click ‘Link’. You will then see the message on your Profile page
‘Your account is linked to CTT Account with id: (your id number).'
Smartphone User Version
- On a smartphone login to your CTT account and click on your name.
- Click on Settings, scroll down past your PBs and click on the My Profile tab.
- “VTTA” appears in the dropdown as the last item on the list. Select that, and scroll down, and it will show your verification code if you are not already linked, or your VTTA account number if you are.
How to Link Your CTT and VTTA Accounts - Joint members
If you have a joint VTTA account only the primary member can manage it.
To link both accounts:
• Each joint member needs to get their CTT number and Verification Code from the CTT website separately as explained in 1-4 above.
• The primary joint member (the owner of the email address and password) logs in at the VTTA website (or registers if not logged in before, saying they are an existing member)
• The primary joint member checks that the profile they're looking at belongs to them personally, and then links their CTT account entering their CTT number and verification code.
• The primary joint member then switches to view the profile of the secondary joint member.
• The secondary joint member links their CTT account entering their CTT number and verification code.
You must follow this procedure to ensure both of your CTT accounts and VTTA member records are linked correctly. Secondary members cannot login and/or register at the VTTA site to link their CTT account; they must link through the primary member's account as explained above.