Results from the first ten mile TT of the Zwift series  

First Mids VTTA rider home on actual was newcomer Max Hon Chan  third overall  in 22.07 followed by Ian Foster in 23.45, Jon Howard 13s later  and John Mallen just another 4 secs later in 24.02. Another newcomer, Dave Pemberton rounded out our entry in 26.22. On age adjusted time, recent returnee to racing John Mallen  leapfrogged up the table to win overall in an amazing 18.33 !!!!!!!!! Full results and write up will be in the main VTTA facebook page.

 This first race of the series gained an entry of nearly 90 (78 on ZP) with twenty-five VTTA members finishing on the flat Tempus Fugit course where the weather is always good and wind never an issue apart from the gentle cooling effect of a fan or two.